Bodies by Design: Increasing water intake can lead to better health

2023-02-16 15:48:40 By : Ms. Jufang Wang

The greatest gap in life is the difference between knowing and doing. If we know that water is essential for us, we can’t live without it and it helps with our overall health, then why are 75% of adults suffer from mild, chronic dehydration, a condition that dramatically works against your weight-loss efforts.Let’s take minute and discover why water consumption must be at the top of your list in your quest for a fit, healthy and athletic body.

Though you probably don't think about it often, water is the most essential element, next to air, to your survival. The simple combination of two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen makes up more than two-thirds of your body and is involved in a host of bodily functions that we routinely take for granted. Just to name a few:

You've probably heard that you need to drink plenty of water in order to drop weight, but did you ever wonder why? What does water have to do with decreasing your calories and increasing your activity level in an effort to shed pounds?

Fill your stomach with a glass of water before each meal and you will find that you won't eat as much. This also works on snacking throughout the day; keep hydrated all day long and watch as your desire to snack decreases.

2. Water increases your body's ability to efficiently metabolize fat

This process begins with your kidneys receiving enough water to function at their peak, which in turn helps your liver reach optimal efficiency in removing toxins and waste from your blood. With your liver working at maximum capacity, fat will be metabolized at a higher rate. This means a decrease in your overall body fat. (And who doesn't want that?)

3. Water is the perfect substitute for high-calorie beverages

Want to super-charge your fitness results this summer? Well, this is the most effective way to utilize water toward your waist-shrinking efforts. Most of us consume more than our share of calorie-packed beverages. Smoothies, shakes, frozen mochas, soft drinks ... you get the idea. When you trade your high-calorie beverages in for a tall glass of water you will expedite your results in a major way.

Now you know that drinking sufficient amounts of water will help you reach your fitness goals faster than ever, but you should also know that failing to drink enough water comes with serious consequences:

To avoid dehydration check out the following five hydration tips:

Tip #1: Caffeinated beverages — such as coffee, soft drinks or energy drinks — cause your body to lose water. After you enjoy a dose of caffeine, replace the lost water by drinking 2 times that amount in water.

Tip #2: Add a slice of lemon to your water to spice things up.

Tip #3: Always carry water with you throughout your day. Keep a bottle in the car, at your workplace and next to your bed.

Tip #4: Exercise and hot temperature both increase your body's water requirements. Make a mental note to drink before, during and after exercise or while out on a hot day.

Tip #5: Make it a habit to begin your day with a large glass of water, then drink a glass before each meal and one between meals.

The bottom line is: Drink water and lots of it!

Fred Sassani is the founder of Bodies by Design in Pflugerville, a nationally certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist. For more information about Bodies by Design, visit: